At the
STC Exec. meeting Tuesday night -- during the social part of the evening -- we got talking about the upcoming EAC (Editors Association of Canada) Book Swap meeting later this month. That got me moaning about the fact that I have to get rid of a bunch of books that I've been holding on to. Some I've read, and unfortunately, some I haven't. The unread ones were purchased with good intentions: building up my general knowledge, feeding established interests, trying to stretch my areas of interest, but most have them have remained unread for years. So, it's time for them to go. I think I'll take some of the unread ones to the EAC meeting. Perhaps I can swap them for others that I am more likely to read.As for the read ones, I shall release them into the wild via
BookCrossing. I just signed up, and already am thinking of places where I can release my pre-loved paperbacks.And hey Pat, thanks for serving the hot crossed buns as dessert last night; I'm still happily remembering them!
1 comment:
No, but maybe a cross-bookie...
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